

dun celebrate my birthday this year, next year, next next year and ever!!!

hate tat kind of feel..
so stupid...
so phony..

hate those candles...
hate birthday song..
hate present..

AH!!! ya!!

no need present either!!
hate present!!!

hate those stupid feel...

this kind of thing exist for wat???
waste money..
it jz something to let u waste more money..

nothing special..

it jz will let u discover different kind of ppl...
how real tat the ppl around u (when u keep ur eyes open)..
and from the present..
u can know wat u mean to them..

it not a day which makes u happy..
althought i mayb sometimes when u were little kid..

it jz a day which let u know more the actual state of affairs..
every birthday means u hv to be more mature.. more careful the steps u take.. the ppl u meet.. be more like an adult..

im not escape from being more mature or grown-up..
i jz dun wan to know the true colours of all ppl around me..
it vry hurt.. sad.. how fake it is..

hate to know things..
i rather to be alone.. or with a pet..
human cant be trusted..

it's hard to live together with other ppl..
there is a recondite knowledge for it..
it dangerous when u deeply believe someone..
my father told me tat...

and i oso had prove it...
wat a good experience...
good try...

2 圣旨:

~GilliaN~ said...

well,darling..i know its hard for u to accept the changes around us...but we do nid to grow up...actually we are already young adult..we have to take responsibility for every steps we take..but anyway...y u say until so negative???did anything happen to u???

沁!! said...

hard to say..
it jz happen this few days...
dun ask sj them...
cz this thing not many ppl know tat i knew it..

i will tell u when it is the time...
mayb next time i go overnight at ur house???

me now ok liao la..
see open liao..
put heart k??